1989 Exposing lies and revealing the truth was what I did professionally for a long time. I
have hunted REAL terrorists in jungles with Salvadorian Rangers For
anyone wishing to challenge my credibility - I am willing to
show exact name - a ride down the main street looked like
a scene from some WWII country is acceptable conduct. So much for American
Jewish loyalty to America. for over TWELVE HUNDRED YEARS! An entire MILENNIA longer than the United States has been in existance! Just immagine a FOREIGN power GIVING AWAY some 85% of the entire United States to an invading foreign Colonizer!
This land has been the home for generations and
generation of -- NOT the other way around. Cold-blooded murders, torture, shelling of schools and hospitals, bulldozing of homes with civilians buried alive, destruction of ambulances - and nearly every type of war crimes imaginable including torture of eight out of ten Palestinians brought in for "questioning"! Many of these incidents were shared with me - although several from UNQUESTIONABLY reputable sources, I cannot PERSONALLY attest to them - but what I have told the reader
and will tell -
Children like this young lad, routinely 'disappear'
in - and grandchildren whom I would defend with my life. I would like you to imagine for just a moment that you are not an American - just close your eyes and visualize -- finding your beloved 10 year old child with half his head blown away - the flies feasting on his scattered brains. The unimaginable accident ? - NO - a war crime- and it is YOUR child! The 'sin' of your child? He was throwing egg sized rocks at an Israeli tank - BOUGHT and PAID FOR by AMERICAN citizens. Could you just forget it as if were only the family cat - or would you swear revenge/ justice against the monsters that made it happen? Could you possibly be so arrogant as to believe that this Palestinian mother and father loved their child any less than you would - or that 'his' life is 'worth' less in the eyes of God?
that the young child in this incident ever saw another birthday. Just another nameless dead
"goy" - animal- to the Israelis. are carefully 'filtered' by our Israeli controlled press. Despite the one-sided propaganda, disinformation, distortions, and outright lies that we have been fed for years, you may now find and know the truth. The REAL truth – as in “so help me God”
American have been responsible for the deaths of WAY to many
I may be contacted through May God grant you the conscience to care about the good and the evil May God grant you the wisdom to distinguish the good from the evil May God grant you the courage to defend the good and expose the evil May YOU open your eyes and your ears- AND your heart so
God may be able to grant you these priceless gifts.
AN OPEN LETTERTO AMERICAN WAR CRIMINALS AN OTHERS WHO SCREAM FOR THE BLOOD OF INNOCENT PEOPLE IN FOREIGN LANDS – AND – AT HOME I am finally convinced that a huge percentage of the American people are the worst hypocrites imaginable – considering the fact that some 80% of us claim to be “Christians”. The AVAILABLE facts that our barbarian young sons have murdered many thousands of COMPLETELY innocent women and children in Iraq and ten times that many in Afghanistan tell me a great deal about our present day character. The number of innocents dying or dead from disease, starvation, suicide, and deformed mutated newborn ( thanks to our “safe” DU weapons) are now over SIX figures.
But – that’s OK – because these are Arab peoples and are only “animals” as we are taught by our criminal Zionist leadership – and as I was advised while in the Occupied Territories’ at GAZA in the Summer of 89. The Talmudic Jews call them ‘golem’ ( cattle), and our own ‘intellectually challenged’ people slander all of them with terms like “sand niggers” – “camel jockeys” – and “rag-heads”. The tens of millions of American evangelical ‘Judeo-Christians’ who have been weaned on the blasphemous Oxford University Press’s ‘New and Improved’ revised Schofield Bible don’t consider Arab/Muslim people worth being respected as fellow humans – and these ‘sub-humans’ are ALL considered to be “cursed” by God. But of course we are just doing “God’s will”.
I suggest that all this will – in the very near future - lead us into more and more pre-emptive serial wars. I believe that this madness will ignite consequences of unimaginable proportions and will ultimately lead us into a ‘dark age’ in America’s history the likes of which will eventually destroy ALL semblance of any goodness left in this country. A country that has endeared itself to me – in uniform and civilian life for over 60 years. As the venerable French philosopher, writer and statesman, Alexis De Tocqueville so ominously stated over 170 years ago: “ America is great because America is good, and when America ceases to be good, America will cease to be great”. Remember that - always.
So, - for those Americans who feel so arrogant and proud of the unspeakable horrors we have committed AND abetted in committing -- against these innocents – including Palestinian women and children – murdered by the thousands with equipment WE have supplied – and in the name of “just cause” – “honor” – “liberation” etc. - I have decided to do something different.
Instead of endlessly trying to make the “deaf” hear or the “blind” see – I will give you something to remember, a ‘tool’ which should ease you collective consciences – should you ever come to the future realization - that the Godless horrors you now so proudly boast about – just might in fact be a hypocritical abhorrence in the ‘eyes of God.
If the time for soul searching comes – and the nightmares of unspeakable horrors that YOU and your mindless cruelty made possible -creep into your peaceful sleep – just repeat this mantra, over and over and over again until you believe it.
REMEMBER – these dead, mutilate and dying people were NOT your enemies – they were CREATED ‘enemies’. Created by our press – our leaders – our willing cadre of psycho-monsters, and our own inane fears and ignorance.
This 'tool' is the creation of the psychologist. An intense hatred for people who have done us no wrong - whom we have never met or seen and whose sufferings and burdens and culture we may know nothing about. Here then is how the twisted mind of these pseudo physicians have incited weaker minded people to do their depraved murderous tasks. THIS is how we turn our youth into cold-blooded murderers 'on demand'. The humans that our leaders wish to exterminate must first be 'dehumanized' - ESPECIALLY in the naeive, pliable empty minds of our youth..
Start with an ‘empty canvass’ – then sketch, in broad
outline, the forms of the men, women and
children. Dip into the unconscious inkwell of your own disowned
darkness, and with a WIDE brush – stain these strangers with the sinister hue of
the shadow. Trace onto the faces of ‘the enemy’, the greed, hatred,
and cruelty – you dare NOT claim as your
own. Obscure the sweet individuality of each and every face –
ESPECIALLY the children! Then erase
all hints of the myriad of the loves, hopes, and fears that play through the
kaleidoscope of every finite heart. Twist the smile on every face – ESPECIALLY the children –
until it forms the downward arc of cruelty. Strip the flesh from bones until only
the abstract skeleton of death remains. Exaggerate each feature until a man is
metamorphisized into a beast – or
vermin – or insect. Fill in the
background with malignant figures from ancient nightmares – devils, demons, and
other specters of evil. When your icon of the enemy is complete, you will be able
to KILL without GUILT – and SLAUGHTER without shame or conscience. The thing you destroy will have become
merely ‘an enemy of God’ – an impediment to the sacred dialectic of
history! Envision this morbid panorama over and over until you are comfortable with it and rendered whatever conscience remains as childish and impotent. Then – in your mind-you will have made the truth into lies – evil into righteousness – horror into duty and feel at ease with having sold your soul to the devil. It worked in Afghanistan – it worked in Iraq and will work in every relatively defenseless country we allow the Jews to decide must be destroyed. It works every time – at home ( WACO) and abroad (IRAQ), but ONLY with a dull witted ignorant criminally irresponsible people..
Death will become a merciful escape for most of the poor peoples of any country we decide to destroy next . If we can find no more enemies to torment – be assured that Israel will identify them for us until their last enemy is murdered. THEN there will be only one last enemy – the Christians. The Jews murdered some 20,000,000 Christians in Lenin’s Marxist Russia. WACO was just a ‘test’. The forced removal of the Laws of God from Chief Justice Moore’s courthouse was just another ‘small’ test. You may be ASSURED – it WILL NOT end there.
THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE – most of whom profess to be ‘Christians’ – and essentially - NOBODY offered to protect the people burned alive or the sacred tablets. We will witness more and bolder actions against our own people and our most sacred traditions in the very near future. Not to worry – even if we run out of people around the world to destroy for our amusement - we will be provided with lots of “religious cults” to incinerate as “threats to society” and children to exterminate “for their own protection” right here at home.
And for those who begin to question these grizzly murders, there will always be and lots of ‘gladiators’ and ‘chariot races’ and other perversions in our ‘Coliseums’ around the country. There, of course, to keep our minds off of those ‘unpleasant’ issues like defending our Christian faith or defending our Constitution, teaching our children how to think for themselves, or even defending our OWN neighbors! Here then is the capacity for the average American to set the example of responsibility and maturity and ethics for the future of their country and of their children. This brainless mentality can best be summed up in my community – the Tampa Bay Area with just two words - the limits of our Republican horizon – GO BUCKS!. Oh – BTW – I AM a registered Republican and a hawk to my friends – have been for decades – and am now not too proud of what we have become.
May God forgive you.
Joe Cortina